Fifth Wheel Street (FWS)

Providing RV safety information for all RV owners.

Welcome to the one-stop self-help RV safety information website for novice and experienced RVers. You'll find vehicle tow rating reviews, tire load charts, manufacturer tow rating charts, towing guides, RV safety articles, videos, and more. The "Before You Buy an RV" SAE J2807 compliant RV Tow Check App and the Truck Camper Load Check App will assist you with matching up tow vehicles, trailers, and truck campers. All have access to the free industry-leading 13-point weight safety reports for fifth wheel and conventional trailers to verify the weight safety ratings aren't exceeded. This website assists all RV travelers. Owners of truck campers, fifth wheel or gooseneck trailers, conventional trailers (travel trailers), boat trailers, and utility trailers will find important need-to-know safety information. There is info for motorcoach owners too. Please continue to scroll down to see more and look at all the available information on the menu above.

Fifth Wheel Street is 100% independent without sponsors.

Podcast 207: October 2018, Fifth Wheel Street's founder was interviewed again by Greg Gerber.

Podcast 98: April 2016, Fifth Wheel Street's founder was interviewed by Greg Gerber, the founder of RV Daily Report. Note: Greg reported that this podcast is the most downloaded interview ever.

Almost an endorsement! The RV Tow Check App was announced in the weekly RV Dealers Association News Brief.

Freedom Law School Image

Three Easy Steps...

Step 1: Choose, print and provide answers on the appropriate worksheet.

Step 2: Weigh your vehicles. Once with the trailer or other towable attached, then the tow vehicle without your trailer or other towable attached.

Step 3: Enter the data from your worksheet into the RV Safety Report Calculator.

...For Your RV Weight Safety Report

Step 4: Adjust load distribution and inflate tires per tire load inflation recommendations.

Are you towing below the ratings?

The RV Safety & Education Foundation data indicates that 57% of all RVs on the road exceed one or more weight safety ratings.

Additionally, the following exceed at least one rating:

  • 60% of all tow vehicles
  • 51% of all travel trailers
  • 55% of all 5th wheel trailers
  • 50% of all trailers exceed the GVWR

Ensure you're not the one exceeding a load rating. Use our easy 4-step weight safety plan.

RV Rig AccidentHow Much Can I Tow?

"Towing with mismatched vehicles or towing while exceeding the vehicles’ weight safety ratings may not always be the primary factor in an accident. However, I am convinced that the severity of some accidents are exacerbated by overweight conditions and/or mismatched combinations." Dave Gray

Matching the correct tow vehicle and trailer starts here: Before You Buy That RV, Truck or Other Tow Vehicle

RV Safety Apps For You!

Image of FWS app on iPhone.
Our industry-leading 13-point
RV weight safety report for fifth wheel and gooseneck trailers.


Web-based App

The RV Tow Check app is the only SAE J2807 compliant app available.


Web-based App

Smartphone Before You Buy TC
Truck Camper Load Check

FREE Web-based App For
Truck Camper Buyers

Conventional Trailer
Weight Safety Report

FREE Web-based App For
Travel Trailer Owners

One & Three-quarter
Ton Trucks

How likely will these trucks be overloaded by a 5th wheel trailer?

The answer may be jaw dropping for some.

Check out our latest tow rating charts showing some of the most popular truck brands and models used for towing.

One Ton - click here

Three-quarter Ton - click here

Heavy Duty Trucks (HDT) for Towing RVs

In recent years, the big three pickup truck makers have really made waves with the high payload and towing capacities. Additionally, the cost of buying these big one ton trucks have skyrocketed as well. For most RVers, the cost of medium duty trucks (MDT), even used ones, are hardly affordable. As you will read in this recommended article, a used and well maintained HDT can be the lowest cost to buy, and it's certainly the safest to tow any RV trailer available. Considering an HDT is a viable option. Read more here.



Half-ton Trucks

Is it possible to tow 5th wheel trailers with these light duty trucks and not exceed the weight safety ratings?

The answer may surprise you...

Or may cause you to gasp.

Check out these tow rating reviews for five commonly used half-ton truck brands.

Find out now - click here

Our Latest Articles...

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Securing Your RV Valuables

With one key for multiple styles of locks!

I don’t know about you, but carrying multiple keys for all the locks I use to secure my valuables is a pain in the pocket. Even with having sets of matching padlocks with one key, I still had several keys for all the various styles of locks to secure my RV valuables and equipment.
Read more here.

overtruned trailer sway

The Automated Safety Hitch System Saved Lives!

Joe Jamieson, the inventor of the Automated Safety Hitch System and owner of the manufacturing company, shared his hair-raising story of the accident he and his production manager experienced in June 2018. Read more here.

overtruned trailer sway

How to Prevent and Stop Trailer Sway

Less than 25 seconds of trailer sway can cause loss of control which could end up causing serious injury or death. Learn what you can do to prevent and and hopefully stop trailer sway before ending upside down on or off the highway. Read more here.

Weight Distribution System
vs. Air Springs vs. Both

There has been much controversy over the use of air springs along with a weight distribution system (WDS) when towing conventional trailers. Let's look into some insight that may not have been considered.
Read more here.